There is an organisation in the United States, also operating on an international level, called "WICCA" an organisation of magicians and conspirators. The numerous members own three record companies. The purpose of each of their records is to contribute towards the moral destruction and inner confusion of today's youth. In reality, they practise a type of Devil worship on their records and give themselves to the Devil.
WICCA has promoted many artists and made them popular. Records that have been produced by artists belonging to this organisation describe the state of devil worshippers' souls exactly, and invite people to celebrate the glory, honour and praise of the Devil.
Subliminal Signals
'The Rolling Stones', for example, are part of a Satanic sect near San Diego. Although not in all of their work, in several of their recordings they spread the principles of those who have given themselves to Satanism.
Another well known group called 'Garry Funkell' also produces this type of music. The aim of this organisation is to spread precisely those records which are orientated in their ideology to lead the young into Satanism.
All records devoted to the Devil are based on the same principles. One of these is the rhythm, also called the beat, which develops according to the movements which occur during sex. The individual suddenly has the feeling of being in a frenzy. This also explains cases of hysteria, which result from the sexual instinct being promoted to a higher level through the beat.
When performed, the volume chosen is deliberately set seven decibels above the tolerance level of the nervous system. This is perfectly calculated: if young people are exposed to this music for a certain length of time, forms of depression, rebellion and aggression set in. They do not know why; because they think they have not done anything except listen to some music. It is the result of overstimulating the nervous system, causing confusion, that urges people to put into action the beat they have been listening to all evening.
On top of this, there are also subliminal signals. These are exceptionally high signals with a frequency of 3,000 vibrations per second, which is well above the level of human hearing. Listeners cannot hear them as they lie above the frequency range audible to the human ear. These signals stimulate the release of a substance in the brain that has the same effect as drugs. This substance is a natural drug that is produced by the human brain. Individuals feel strange, and the intention is to provoke a need for drugs in them, or the need to continue with the feelings associated with them.
Establishment of Universal Control
Such records also show signs of a ritual consecration in the framework of a black mass. Before these records are brought into the market, each one of them is consecrated to the Devil in a special black mass ritual.
Anyone who makes an effort to decode the lyrics of the various songs will notice that the subjects are generally always the same: rebellion against parents, against society, against everything that exists. The total release of sexual instincts or desires is part of the condition for creating a state of anarchy, leading to the establishment of the universal rule of Satan.
Who can deny the dangerous influence of this evil which numbers so many collaborators in its trail of conspiracy and hatred?
"And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
In the spring of 1982, the British rock group Led Zeppelin was convicted by a Californian court of attempting to influence listeners with Satanic, subliminal messages on their record "Stairway to Heaven". Part of the lyrics read: "It's a feeling I get, when I look to the west and my spirit is crying for leaving." Played backwards, these lyrics become: "I have got to live for Satan. Yes, to the Devil, don't be afraid of the Devil, don't be an idiot. I want the Lord to fall on his knees before the Devil."
Rape of the Conscience
Research has shown that 18% of all suicides by young people, and many of the violent acts, can be traced back to "Rock 'n' Roll". Without a doubt, there is a connection between rock and drugs: some examples are The Beatles' "Yellow Submarine" and The Rolling Stones' "Brown Sugar" (heroin). There is also a connection between rock and occultism which leads to Satanism; an example is The Beatles' record, from the year 1968, "The Devil's White Album".
On this record, for the first time, subliminal messages were spread through the subconscience to transmit the "gospel of Satan". This is how rock takes the road of Satanic perversion, and is further promoted by The Rolling Stones, The Who, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Kiss (short for Knights In Satan's Service) and other groups.
These subliminal messages to the subconscience came to light through a court case brought by a consumer protection organisation. These messages cannot be perceived with the ordinary senses, and there is, therefore, no opportunity for defence against this type of aggression at all. The subconscience, however, is able to decode these messages and to influence the conscience via the memory.
Messages transmitted through rock are varied: sexual perversions, revolt against the existing order, insinuation of suicide, stimulation to violence and murder, and finally, dedication to the Devil. These messages are transmitted through backmasking, meaning backwards; they are instantly recognised and clear to the conscious mind when the record is played backwards.
A subliminal control signal without words is biologically and psychologically transmitted to the physical organs of the body through the syncopated beat rhythm which, as previously mentioned, especially affects sexuality. Another means of control is the strobe (flashlight effect) which is connected to the music and drastically reduces the abilities of orientation, judgment and reflex. Notably, moral judgment is diminished, substantially facilitating the intake of subliminal word messages.
Men are helpless against these techniques. Here are some examples: "Fire on High" by the Electric Light Orchestra, played backwards: "Music is reversible, but time is not. Turn back". The Beatles' song "Number Nine" played backwards: "Turn me on dead man!" (an obscene expression against Christ).
Consciously in Satan's Service
Here are three examples from 1966 which show the way The Beatles were thinking then. John Lennon: "Christianity will vanish we are more popular today than Jesus."
Paul McCartney: "...none of us believe in God."
Ringo: "In any case, whether you believe it or not, we are not the Antichrist, but merely AntiPope and AntiChristian."
Further backmasking lyrics by the group Kiss: "Unite yourself, merge! If you love me, cut yourself! The Devil himself is your god!"
Black Sabbath: "Jesus, you are the abominable!" and "Take your mark and live!" This talks about the number 666, the sign of the Antichrist, imprinted with a devil's flash on the cover of the record.
However, there are also plenty of openly evil messages. One rock author reports: "I have chosen the hard rock group ACDC, because their name is an abbreviation for 'Antichrist, death to Christ', and this group sings about the glory of 'Hells Bells'".
All the big rock stars give themselves voluntarily and consciously into Satan's service. Alice Cooper: "In a spiritualistic session the spirit promised me fame and worldrule through rock music, and riches in abundance. The only thing that he required of me was my body so that he could possess it. This is how I became world famous under the name that he gave me as one of his, Alice Cooper."
Volumes of up to 120 decibels, and laser beams (which cause blind spots when they hit the eye) are used in some discotheques, contributing to irrepairable physical damage.
According to an American investigation in 1981, 87% of all young people were listening to 3-5 hours of rock music per day. With the introduction of the walkman the average rose to 7-8 hours per day. 90% of singles sold worldwide are rock music recordings: 130 million per year. This does not include the 100 million albums sold by the rock music industry every year.
Rock music, with rhythms which overstimulate the senses, and lyrics which are almost exclusively immoral or blasphemous, very often is or becomes the next opportunity for sin. Whoever listens to it frequently is in danger of losing God.
Bob Larson had already been a disc jockey and a leader of his own rock band when he was 15 years old. He later converted to Christianity, and in his book "Rock and the Church" he shows, through much experience, that "Rock Gospel" cannot be used in the church, as the two are incompatible. In his opinion, those who have escaped the chains of rock music should break all records and destroy all tapes in their possession.
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